Journal & Articles
Crash Course
Subject: Six ways to add laughter to your life
There are many things in life that we must be serious about.
Although it is good to stay focused on the important things, we should also make time to simply have a good laugh. Laughing burns calories, bonds you to your loved ones, and relieves stress. What more could you want in an activity that is so fun and refreshing?
Here are six ideas on ways to add laughter to your everyday life.
1. Go to Karaoke Night
Whether or not you can sing, attend a karaoke night at a local pub. If you can sing, it will be fun and you will surely get a few moments of laughter. If you are a terrible singer, even better. Openly mock yourself. Quietly find humor in the others whose voices are not their strong point either. There are always a few.
2. Watch a Funny Movie
Sometimes all it takes to de-stress is to watch someone else being funny. Put on a good comedy. Choose one with your favorite silly actors, and enjoy. You can also find funny short movies on YouTube.
3. Make a Prank Call
This is only applicable to a close friend, of course, but if you want to have a really good laugh… make a prank call. If you have been blessed with the ability to disguise your voice, call your friend up and act as though you are an obnoxious salesman. As immature as this sounds, you and your friend will both probably get a laugh out of the ordeal that you will never forget.
4. Play a Practical Joke
Another one to use on a good friend who shares your sense of humor… playing a practical joke tops the list of easy laughs. Whether you choose to set several hidden alarm clocks in their room, or switch the salt and sugar temporarily, give them a reason to remember you. Other ideas include dropping a fake spider over their shoulder, changing their cell phone setting to a foreign language, or placing bubble wrap in between their toilet bowl and the toilet seat when you visit their home.
5. Ask Your Children to Make Some Jokes
If you have little ones, or friends with little ones, ask them to be the comedian for the evening. Sometimes children say the funniest things. Even when their jokes fall flat, there is something humorous about a little one trying to get a laugh out of the adults.
6. Find Humor When There Seems to Be None
One of the most important things to do is to search for the humorous moments. When you lock yourself out of your car, remember what a funny story it will be in the future, and start to point out the funny details to yourself and your family. When things seem to be going wrong, think of an interesting and hilarious way to tell your story to someone at a later time. This can change a stressful moment into a great one in an instant.
There are many ways to add laughter to your life.
Use these ideas as a springboard to your own list of raucous laugh-inducers.
You will feel your stress melt away as the laughs increase on a daily basis.
Most of us have fallen for the green-eyed monster at some time in our lives. We will talk about how to deal with jealousy next time.
Subject: Dealing with jealousy
it can bite the best of us, and can be difficult to let go of once it has got a hold on us.
No matter how grateful we might be for the good things in our lives, there is always someone else who has something we wish we had for ourselves.
Here are a few tips on how to rid your life of this ugly intruder before
it begins to change who you are.
Value Your Own Situation
Living in a world where there are many with great wealth and unlimited experiences, it is easy to become envious of those who seem to have it all. Learn to value yourself… whether it is in regards to your appearance, financial situation, or relationship issues. You may not think you are beautiful, but maybe you have great health. You may not have a lot of money, but you are likely financially better off than the majority of those who live in dire conditions around the globe.
Understand the Trials of Others
Everyone has a trial to face. Perhaps you desire a loving relationship and haven’t had any luck in that area. Yes, there are many who have found the love of their life, but they are sure to be facing other troubles. They may be dealing with infertility, or have recently lost a job and are facing an eviction. Just because someone’s life looks picture perfect, never take for granted that they too are dealing with their own losses.
Use Motivation to Change What You Can
If you feel jealous about something that you can change, redirect that jealousy in a positive way. Want a perfectly toned body like your best friend? Then get out and begin an exercise program, and eat in a more healthful way. Wish you could afford a yearly tropical vacation like your entire extended family? Take on a second job, begin a home business on the side or cut back on eating out and save the money instead.
Accept What Cannot Be Changed
There are certain things that cannot be changed. Life can feel unfair at times. If you are dealing with a situation you cannot change, such as a family member who has cut you out of their life, then do what you can to deal with the situation and immediately focus on something else. Focus on the things that are going right in your life, and how much you have to give the world.
Change Your Focus
If you find you are spending too much time envying the lives of those around you, perhaps you need to take a step back. Social media can be troublesome as we view what seems to be the exciting lives of those around us, which can feel like salt on an open wound when our own life feels like it is lacking in some way.
Keep in mind that when someone shows the highlights of their life, they are generally putting out only the best. If you have too much trouble remembering that, then consider suspending your social media accounts for a time to regain your focus. Or perhaps you need to stop talking for hours with that friend of yours who insists on continuously bragging. Consider refocusing on something worthwhile like volunteering, which has a way of bringing perspective to life.
Jealousy gets every one of us at some time or another.
You don’t have to let it take control, however.
Use these tips to lift you out of the jealousy trap and into a life full of fulfillment.
Next time we will look at gratitude journaling, and how it can help you appreciate what you've got.
Subject: How to get the most out of gratitude journaling
We’ve all been told that creating a gratitude journal helps with mental health,
and gives us a new perspective on life when we are feeling weary.
To some, this means sitting down with a diary and writing a few paragraphs each day.
There are so many ways you can create your gratitude journal that will help you get even more out of this part of your day, and here are a few ways to embellish the experience.
Choose a Particular Time of Day for Your Journaling
Slotting your gratitude journal into a specific time of your day brings consistency to the practice. Once you have been journaling in this fashion for a period of time, you will begin to look forward to it. It will help you prepare mentally as you anticipate the journaling. You may find that you begin thinking of things throughout the day that you can write in your gratitude journal, and this will cause your entire day to flow naturally into a more optimistic state.
Have a Set Number of Things to List Each Day
Some people prefer to sit down and write the things they are grateful for each day, and quit when they are finished. This is fine, but sometimes having guidelines can be helpful. If you tell yourself you will list five things, that gives you time to get into a little more detail on each one, instead of it becoming just a long list. Take time to spend a few moments thinking about each thing that you write down, and realizing how truly blessed you are to have this person, situation or feeling in your life.
Think of Both Big and Small
Don’t feel that the things you are thankful for have to have an earth-shattering presence. You might be thankful for a wide range of things, such as a recent trip to the Caribbean, or something minor like a new pen that fits your hand perfectly. It is in these moments of learning to appreciate a wide variety of what we have, that we begin to feel joyful in anything positive that comes our way.
Turning Negative into Positive
Instead of just listing obviously happy situations and ignoring the negative, try to find the positive within the negative. Even in the most troubling circumstances there is good to be found. When we see a disturbing situation on the news, there is always a positive side of people coming together to help each other out. There is always good in humanity that will show itself the strongest when you need it.
Apps to Make It Easier
There are several apps, both free and for purchase, that you can buy to assist you in your journaling.
“Gratitude Journal” is a great app that gives you prompts to list the things that you are thankful for. You can keep your entries private or share them on social media, whatever your preference may be.
“Gratitude Journal 365” is an app where you can add a daily photo to your entry, and view them later on one screen for a beautiful display of the things you appreciate.
Maintaining a gratitude journal has many benefits, including gaining more energy, feeling more optimistic about life, and possessing better physical and mental health. Its many positive benefits compile to bring you an all-around better quality of life.
Start your own today and see the difference it can make in your life.
Next time we will look at another way to improve your quality of life - by helping others.
Subject: Six ways to help others and increase
your non-material wealth
Because wealth refers not just to material accumulation, there are many different areas we can look to in order to gain it. Accumulating true wealth requires humility and an openness to learn about what we really need in life. When we give of ourselves to others, we naturally gain this non-material wealth.
Here are some things you can do to improve in this area, and build a source of lasting happiness in your own life.
1. Charity Work
There will always be individuals who need a helping hand. If you have been blessed to be in a position to give in some way, then take the opportunity. Use your time and talents to give to others - whether it be working in a soup kitchen, sorting baby clothing to give to new moms in need, or teaching a photography class to underprivileged children. Find a way to give of yourself and get busy.
2. Offer an Encouraging Word
Sometimes all it takes to make a difference in someone’s life is one word. If a friend looks discouraged, take the time to ask them what is going on and offer some good advice. Offer a word of kindness to a store clerk who has just been mistreated. Tell a family member that you care about them and have been thinking about them. It doesn’t take a lot to encourage someone.
3. Donate Used Items
Many of us have been blessed with numerous items that we no longer need, or never needed in the first place. Consider giving them to someone who could use the help. It will be a blessing to the recipient, as well as to yourself. This kind of non-material wealth will last you a lifetime as you remember the smile on the face of the one you were generous toward.
4. Impart Knowledge
Many individuals lack knowledge in key areas. Give your expertise to the situation and help someone to grow personally. Offer knowledge to those who will use it, because this is the gift that keeps on giving.
5. Send a Thank You Card
Hand-written thank you cards seem to be a thing of the past. Often a quick “thank you” text is sent, or an email version. Use your hands to write an actual note of thanks to someone who has helped you and made an impact on your life. Send it in the mail and know that it will likely bring much joy to the person on the other end.
6. Help a Friend in Need
No matter what your friend needs, offer your help. Giving of ourselves to others in some way is what makes the world a better place. Maybe you will help your friend move, or teach them how to cook a decent meal for their in-laws. Perhaps you will offer them free babysitting so they can get away for an evening, or give them a ride when their car is at the mechanics. Do what you can, when you can.
Helping others is the quickest way to increase one’s non-material wealth.
There is SO much that you can do to further others while also contributing
to your own well-being.
Use these ideas to get you started on becoming someone with a proverbial
wallet full of non-material wealth.
Another way to appreciate non-material wealth is to get more pleasure out of the simple things in life. We will look at that next time.
Subject: The joy of simple pleasures
In the fast-paced world that we live in, we all need to experience the joys of simple pleasures. It can be a great stress-reliever to take a few moments to enjoy the sensory pleasure of the beauty around us.
Here are a few simple pleasures that you should experience at least once in your lifetime, but as often as possible.
* Smell freshly cut grass. This activity is a pleasure to the senses. It causes the feeling that summer has arrived, and brings you back to nature.
* Walk in the rain. Do this once and you will begin to make plans for another every time you see the forecast calling for rain. It is a beautiful feeling to have the rain against your face and soak you to the core as you get outside for a stroll. Jump in a few puddles while you’re at it.
* Have a candlelit bubble bath. This enhances your feelings of sensuality. It brings you back to the basic pleasures of treating yourself gently and with care. Everyone deserves to feel this way.
* Watch the sun rise. Whether you stay up all night to watch this happen or simply wake up early enough to see it, make this an occasional part of your schedule. It is amazing to view.
* Swim in the ocean. Pools are fun, but swimming in the ocean feels like the way it is truly supposed to be. Even if you are doing more playing than swimming, it is a special feeling to splash around in the beauty of the ocean.
* Blast and sing your favorite song alone in the car. Don't try this with other people, though, because it will be difficult to feel free enough and you risk annoying everyone. When you are driving alone, turn up your favorite song and sing like you are Whitney Houston.
* Have a dance party with disco lights. Whether you are doing this with your family or alone, there is no feeling like putting on a disco ball and having a dance party at home. This is where you can be free to explore all your cheesy or funky dance moves to a variety of music.
* Wake up without an alarm clock. Many of us are constantly waking up early to get ready for jobs and extracurricular activities. Make sure you get at least a few mornings per month to sleep in and wake up when your body tells you to.
* Choose the extra large size. We are constantly telling ourselves to make healthy decisions. If you are someone who chooses the small milkshake and refrains from the big ones, give yourself one opportunity to make the switch. This is not something you should make a habit of, but it certainly feels satisfying to do at least once.
* Have a wrapping paper fight. Whether you are celebrating a birthday or Christmas, scrunch up all the wrapping paper and have a fight. This is a crazy little game that is fun enough to end up becoming a yearly tradition.
* Make a snow angel. This is not just for kids. If you live in a climate that is suitable for this activity, put on your snow pants and get to it. You will love how it feels to look at your completed snow angel and know that you created it.
Life is full of stress. It is time to have some fun, and take joy in the simple things in life.
Use these ideas to give you a head start in the direction of simple, joyful living.
Next time we will give some tips on how we can make the most of the relationship we have with our children.
Subject: Tips for making the most of
the relationship with our children
Being a parent is a blessing.
It can also be tough at times, as you will know if you are a parent.
There are actions we can take that will affect our relationship with our children
in a positive way.
Here are a few ways to make the most out of this special and life-changing relationship.
Focus on the Positive
Don’t be a negative person, as this will erode your relationship with your child. Be the one person in your child’s life who will consistently encourage him (or her) and strengthen his self-esteem. Make a point of noticing his strong points, and be his number one cheerleader.
Spend One-on-One Time Together
It is easy to forget that our children need one-on-one time with us on a regular basis. Try to plan dates such as playing basketball together, grabbing a burger or going to the movies. If you are short on time, it can be as simple as spending ten minutes chatting together before bedtime each night.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Try not to be a parent who overreacts to everything, as this will slowly but surely cut away at the strong relationship you have with your child. When you are tempted to yell after your child speaks disrespectfully to you or when he runs across the carpet with his muddy shoes, breathe deeply and count to ten. More times than not, you will realize the issue is not worth damaging your relationship over.
Give Your Love
Every child has a different means of expressing their love, and this correlates directly to how they like to receive it. Some children need to spend lots of time with their parent, while others are built up when they receive an encouraging note from you. Find your child’s specific way of receiving love, and make a point of giving love in this way regularly. This builds a strong parent and child relationship.
Be Trustworthy
If you want a close relationship with your child, you must be trustworthy. Keep your promises, and show your child that he can count on you for anything he needs. Do your best never to betray his trust.
Watch Your Words
Another aspect of trust is using your words wisely as a parent. What seems like one small put-down or insult to you can really harm a child’s self-esteem, and can negatively affect your relationship for years to come. Let everything that comes from your mouth be encouraging, and use your words to build your child up to become a strong and confident individual.
Be Available on Their Time Schedule
Your child may not pick the most convenient time to engage in a conversation, but you should be a willing participant no matter when it is.
Many children open up and share their deepest thoughts when they are supposed to be getting into bed for the night. Instead of resenting this, work a time to chat into their bedtime routine so that they can count on having those moments together on a nightly basis. This will not only help your relationship, but will also assist your child in getting a better sleep each night… contributing to his mental and physical health.
Building a relationship with your child comes naturally, but it is not always easy.
With these tips, you can find many ways to nurture the relationship you value.
In time, you will see the fruits of your labor.
Next time, we will look at the relationship you have with your friends.
Subject: Tips for making the most of your
relationship with your friends
It is often said that you are born into your family but you choose your friends. Your friends are special because you have found something in each other worth getting to know, and have decided to cultivate that as a bond. Here are some ways to make the most of these relationships.
Put In the Effort
Having friends often begins based on fun times together, but it takes consistent effort to keep the friendship going. Be willing to put in the effort it takes to maintain any relationship that is worthwhile. Call your friend every now and then, and take the time to listen to their problems even when you have a list of things you need to get done.
Don’t Neglect Each Other in the Busy Times
Life can get busy. Don’t neglect your friendship even when you are at your busiest times. You may not be able to get together for a weekly lunch date anymore once you both have families, but you can still send each other texts with updates about what you are doing. Find small ways to reach out even when it is not easy to do so.
Don’t Break Your Friendship over Insignificant Issues
So many friendships break up over little squabbles that cannot even be remembered later. Don’t make the mistake of sacrificing a strong friendship simply because you had one insignificant disagreement. Keep on discussing, resolve your issues and choose to compromise so that you can continue to build a friendship that will stand the test of time.
Treat Each Other Like Family
Some of the best friendships throughout one’s life are with the friends who have become like family. Think of your friend as another sibling, and honor them with the same care and concern that you would give someone in that position. Share special moments, traditions and perhaps even holidays when the opportunity arises. You will be amazed at the strong bonds that can be built even when you are not related by blood.
Open Up to Each Other
A friendship can only go so far on a surface level. A friend who shares what is on their heart with you will begin to close up again if you never reciprocate. Even if you are not the type of person to offer personal information freely, intentionally open up every now and then to your close friends about the deep parts of your life. This kind of sharing creates ties that last. And always be trustworthy with those secrets when they are shared.
Share Memorable Moments
Do activities together that you will remember forever. Whatever you both enjoy and have time for, make it happen. Whether it’s a spin class, a movie at the theater that you have both been waiting for, or a camping trip in the mountains… build those memories together.
Friendship is a two-way street.
By implementing these tips into your friendships, they will grow and be nurtured on a regular basis. Make the most of your relationships and everyone will benefit from it on a long-term basis.
Next time we will look at ways to make the most of your relationship with your parents, whether you are close to them or not.
Subject: Tips for making the most of your
relationship with your parents
No matter what your relationship with your parents might be, it will remain one of the most influential relationships that you are a part of throughout your life. Parents can drive us crazy, but they are often the ones we turn to when we are looking for family history, or to find the missing pieces of ourselves. Whether your relationship with your parents leans towards positive or negative, there are ways you can enhance the relationship. Here are a few of them.
Show Them Respect
Showing your parents respect doesn’t mean doing everything they advise you to do, or tolerating wrong behaviors. It means honoring them simply because of their position. To do this, all you need is to show them love and treat them with kindness and consideration that you would anyone else.
Remember Their Care for You
Your parents likely made plenty of sacrifices to see you succeed. No parent is perfect, but if your parents took care of you and helped you grow into the amazing adult you are today, remember it. Don’t forget about the good times just because you may be having a disagreement at the moment.
Ask Them about Their Past
Your parents will be some of the most interesting people you will meet. This is partly because they lived in a time when you did not yet exist, and partly because they hold a piece of your own history within theirs. Ask them what their childhood was like, and what prompted them to make the decisions they did when they were young. You will be amazed at the stories you uncover.
Learn from Their Wisdom
If your parents have wisdom to give, then receive it. By the time a person has lived much their life, they generally have a lot of wisdom to offer those around them. As their child, you can be first in line to glean it.
Make Time for Each Other
Don’t forget about your parents just because your life is busy. Someday you will be older and missing all the time you once spent with your children, and your parents likely feel the same about you. So continue to nurture this important relationship as you and your parents age together. You will always value this special time.
Build the Connection between Them and Your Children
There is nothing more important than building a link between all the generations in a family. Spend time as family with your parents and children. Build an appreciation for the older generation within your children. How you treat your parents is how your children are learning to treat you, and they will learn well when you are intentional. Your parents will also see, and will appreciate your efforts.
Know Their Intentions
Although your parents surely made many mistakes, as all parents do, take their intentions into consideration. If your parents made their decisions based out of love for you and a desire to do what they believed was best for you, show them grace. Believe that your parents love you, and then do your best to work out your differences.
Relationships with parents can be complicated.
There is always room for growth, and there are many ways to nurture and make
the most of this relationship.
Do what you can and watch your friendship with your parents grow as naturally as it began.
Another very important relationship is the one we have is with our partner. We will look at how to make the most of that relationship next time.
Subject: Tips for making the most of your
relationship with your partner
Good relationships don’t just happen, they take work.
If you have a significant other for any great amount of time, you know that it takes effort. Here are some things you can do to make the most of your relationship with your partner so that it lasts forever.
Show Them Respect
Every healthy relationship must include respect. Without it, you are doomed to fail. When your partner wants to speak with you, take the time to do so. Don’t mock their words or belittle them in any way. By showing your significant other that you value their thoughts, feelings, time and effort, you will let them know you respect them.
Give Them Priority
Your partner may not always be your number one priority, especially if you had children before you entered the relationship or have another situation that demands a lot of your time. If your partner is always last on your list, though, there will be trouble. Giving your partner at least some priority shows them that you value them.
Have Fun Together
Make time to laugh together. Plan fun activities and do new things together so that you can always remember the experience. Making memories builds bonds. This will give you and your partner good feelings when thinking about one another, because of the great times you have when you are with each other.
Learn with Them
Take a class together, or embark on learning a new hobby as a duo. When you stretch your brains in regards to the same subject, it gives you something to talk about. When a couple feels like they are challenging each other and helping each other to become their best, it brings strength to the relationship.
Maintain Your Individuality
Although time as a unit is important, don’t do absolutely everything together. Give yourself the opportunity to grow your other friendships and hobbies. When you do this, it gives you a break so that you can appreciate each other when you are together, and it also gives you something to talk about.
Express Your Appreciation
Let your partner know that you are grateful for them and who they are. When they have made sacrifices to do something kind for you, write them a thank you card or cook them their favorite meal. Showing your thankfulness and appreciation never goes out of style.
Be Creative in Showing Your Love
Say “I love you” to your partner, but don’t stop there. Get creative in the ways that you show your love. Demonstrate it by using your own personal talents through actions such as writing them a poem, making their favourite dessert or composing a song for them. Plan a relaxing vacation weekend or even a one-on-one movie night together at home. It doesn’t take a lot of money to demonstrate that you love your partner.
There are so many ways you can build your relationship and make it stronger. Try some of these and experiment to find the ones that help you and your partner relate to each other. Love is always worth the effort.
Many of us spend a lot of time at work, and may even see our work colleagues as much as (or more) than our partner. For this reason, a good relationship with work colleagues can make a huge difference to how much you enjoy your job. We will look at how to make the most of this relationship next time.
Subject: Tips for making the most of your relationship
with your work colleagues
The relationships you have with others at your place of employment can be tricky.
You are not born into the same family and so you often lack things in common, and you don’t usually start out as friends so it can be difficult to put up with those who you never find a common bond. If you want to maximize your productivity at work, however, you will need to learn to make the most of your relationships with your work colleagues.
Here are a few tips on how to make this happen effectively.
Be Friendly
It almost seems too simple, but being friendly is one of the quickest ways to make a good and lasting first impression on others. Be hired at your workplace wearing a smile, and do your best to keep wearing it for the duration of your employment. Be courteous towards others and offer a bright “hello” to anyone you pass by.
Offer to Help with Their Workload
Everyone likes a little help every once in a while, and you can be the one to help someone else in their moment of need. By simply offering yourself as a volunteer when a co-worker is visibly struggling, you can become a friend to many. When you have free time at work, ask if anyone else needs a hand with anything.
Accept Their Help
As important as it is to offer help, it is just as important to accept it when needed. If a colleague says they would like to join in and help you get things done, take their offer because this will make them feel good. This good feeling will then boost their impression of you. This kind of give and take at work ends in a great work colleague relationship, and one that may last beyond the actual work aspect.
Build Relationships Outside the Office
Your co-workers don’t have to become your best friends, but it is very helpful to build friendships outside the walls of the office. When there are off-site, team-building activities, join in. Go beyond that and make plans with your co-workers to meet up for a game of soccer or drinks after work. The time you spend casually chatting about issues that don’t relate to work are some of the moments when you will bond the most.
Spend Lunchtime Together
This is an easy way to get to know those you work with. Are you the guy who always takes a walk during lunch? Do you head out on a daily basis to buy fast food on the run? The lunch room is often where the most jokes and laughs are shared together by co-workers, so make it your plan to eat lunch in the break room at least two times per week.
Your co-workers can make or break your employment, which consumes a large percentage of your waking hours. It is up to you to build the relationships that are set in front of you through your place of work.
Input into these relationships and they just might turn out to be some of your closest friends for life.
Happiness is...
Enjoying the little things in Life.